Exploring the possibilities of the Jesse Tree
Jesse Tree Images
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Hands and snake
Hands. Gn 2 sends Adam out to till the land. Spirituality for us is about work and prayer. Our work is our way to God.
Snake in the apple. There is a warning here to be wary of the shiny things. St Ignatius talks about desire but a deep desire of the soul as distinct from the thing that catches the eye
Companionship and together
Humans are made for companionship. It is not good for us to be alone.
Solidarity. Eve stands alongside Adam in the image. It symbolises that we are in this together with our people, our mistakes and all.
Olive branch and Rainbow
The Olive branch in the Noah story comes about because Noah sends out the doves and they return this time with an Olive branch indicating the flood was receding. Land means life. It has now come to mean a peace offering. Peace also means life.
The rainbow colors have come to mean different things. Gn 9:17 reflects on the rainbow as a sign that never again will God destroy the earth. The rainbow is all about hope.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Stars and Offering
The stars represent Abraham’s descendants. Part of the gift God promises.
Offering. Incredible story of Abraham about to sacrifice his son which at the time is not entirely unusual. The whole scene shows Abrahams great faith that in God all will be ok.
Circle and Blessing
There is some imagery around Sarah’s circle; a way of acting and living with compassion and equality.
In her old age Sarah becomes pregnant and has her son Isaac. Giftedness.
Sacrifice and Ram
Isaac is forever tied to the sacrifice Abraham was making to God. Sacrifice is an important part of being part of God’s people. Sacrifice for the good of others.
The ram is an important part of the story. He takes Isaacs place.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Priest and bread
The role of the priest is important. There is part of all of us that carries the priestness – offerings to God, recognising God, connecting with God, bringing God into the world.
Bread. Such a strong symbold of togetherness, of feeding the soul.
Jug and Chosen
Hospitality and care for those who come.
The idea of being chosen is important. We are all chosen. In Rebekah we see how transformative such a thing can be – so for all of us.
Ladder and wrestle
Jacob had a vision of a ladder with angels going up and down. The presence of the divine being a real part of his world.
Another time Jacob wrestles with God. Jacob’s struggle with God is symbolic of his struggle with his inner self.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Lion and Origins
Judah is symbolised by the lion. Strength, power, and a sense of the awesome. God’s chosen people.
Think of Judah as the land of Israel, the name that represents this people from earliest times.
Loved / special birth
Rachel was loved by Jacob, capturing that great love God has for God’s people.
Rachel is one of those special people for whom children don’t come and when they did she dies
coat / Dreams
Joseph and his coat of many colors represents the many gifts God provides.
Dreams are an ancient way to sense the divine presence in our life giving direction, purpose, instruction. God has a dream for all of us.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Music / Leader of women
Moses was the one who was given the law. His sister, Miriam, is a singer. A song doesn’t just exist. It comes to life. Between two people, one who sings and one who listens. Miriam was a leader of women who listened and came to life.
Law / Burning bush
God gave the law to Moses on Mt Sinai. The law became the way the people maintained the presence of God in their lives.
The presence of God is symbolized in the burning bush story (Ex 3).
Spokesman / Budding staff
God asked Moses to lead the people out of Egypt. Moses complained he cannot speak so Aaron was asked to be the spokesman.
There is a great story in Numbers 17 where God chooses Aaron’s staff representing an important role he and his tribe have.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Trumpet / Jericho
Joshua takes over from Moses and leads the people into the promised land. The trumpet is important in sending message to enemies and Jericho is one of the first places to encounter Joshua and the Israelites.
Torch / Unlikely leader
Gideon did not see himself as leader responding to God’s call with fear and resistance. Eventually, coming to himself as leader had his people hide torches in jars leading to success.
Strength / Hair
Samson was the original strong man where his strength was God given. Eventually he lets Delila cut his hair which takes away his strength. His story is about faithfulness to God.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
leader and woman of fire
The Leaders of Israel at this time were called Judges. She was the only one who was a woman, the only one who they called a prophet. She had fire in the belly.
Loyal / trusted
Ruth lost her father-in-law and husband in quick succession but stayed with her mother-in-law in amazing story.
Care / Generosity
.Boaz meets Ruth gathering food from his field and he creates ways to make sure she is safe and fed. Eventually the goodness in Boaz joins with the goodness in Ruth.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
1 Samuel 3:1-19; 16:11-13
Lamp, temple, crown, horn of oil. The beginning of the kingdom.
2 Samuel 2:3-7; 16:1-13
Young lion, sling shot and 5 stones, 6 pointed star, shepherds crook, harp, crown, horn of oil, tower and key. A shepherd for the people.
1 Kings 3:5-27; 5:2-5; 6; 7; 8; 10; 11
Scales of justice, Solomons Temple, judgement of Solomon – 2 women a baby and a sword, A scroll and a sceptre, to symbolise his rule as king.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Amos 5:24;7:1-9; 7:14-15; 8:1-14; 9:1-10
Sycamore, figs, shepherd. He spoke of righteousness and justice as an ever flowing stream. Oppressed and voiceless. Locusts, fire, plumbline, ripe fruit.
Daniel 3:24-27; 6:10-23
Lion, hour glass, ram with four horns. Fiery furnace.
2 Kings 2:1-15; 1 Kings 17: 1-24; 18:17-46
Burning Chariot, whirlwind, stone altar, raven. He also had God perform miracles for him, raising the dead, bringing fire down from the sky, and having himself taken up, by a whirlwind.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Luke 1:5-6; 1:24-25; 1:39-45
Baby John, incense, doves, Temple, Mary’s visit, pen and tablet, trumpet.
Esther 5:1-8; 7:1-4
Royal robes, golden sceptre, crown. Esther is a young Jewish woman living in exile in the Persian diaspora.
Ezekiel 1:1-3; 24:1-14; 36:26; 40:1-4; 44:1-3
Closed gate. Broken chain. A turreted gateway. An image of the new Jerusalem city. A heart of stone – a tender responsive heart. A cooking pot.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
2 Kings 18:1-6
Empty tent, tablets of the law, tears. Hezekiah purified and repaired the temple, purged its idols, and reformed the priesthood
Hosea 3:24-27; 6:10-23; 11:1-11
Divine love endures to heal and renew. Israel rushing to ruin forgetful of God. Righteous, steadfast love, fidelity to God. “I bent down and fed them.”
Isaiah 1:10-20; 2:4; 7:14; 6:1-13; 8:11-9:7; 9:6-7
Altar, throne, scroll and lamp. Fire, tongs with hot coals. Swords would be beat into plowshares. And he foretells when Emmanuel (God is with us) would be born.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Jeremiah 1:4-10; 9:1-3; 17:7-8; 18:1-11; 27:1-7
Tears, he was called the weeping prophet. Yokebar, stone. Jeremiah urged a change of heart and turning to the one true God. Potter and clay.
Isaiah 11:1-9; 11:L10
Crimson robes and shepherds staff. He is seen lying with Jesse Tree growing from him. He was the father of David. He is in the genealogy of Jesus.
Luke 2:1-7; Mt 1:18-25
Chi Rho, manger – crib, King – orb, Mary, Joseph, Good Shepherd, peace maker, lover and observer of nature.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Job 1:20-22; 38:2-4; 42:3
Cross. Job was a good and prosperous family man who is beset with dreadful disasters that take away all that he holds dear, both family and health.
John the Baptist
Luke 1:57-80; 3:1-20; 7:18-30
Shell, baptism, fire and water, repentance, wilderness, honey and wild locusts.
Jonah 1:1-4; 2:1-10; 3:1-10
Jonah is asked by God to go to Nineveh. He went on a ship in the other direction. There is a storm. He is thrown overboard, and swallowed by a whale. He ends up in Nineveh.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Mt 1:18; 1:20-21; 2:19-20; 2:21-23; Luke 2:4-51
Carpenters tools, teaching his trade, white lily. God speaks to him in a dream. He protects Mary and Jesus.
Judith 13:7-10
Sword, shield, 12 branch candle. Judith’s story is variant on David and Goliath story where a seemingly weaker person triumphs.
Luke 1:26-38
Heart, white flower, 12 star crown, 12 star halo, blue or red clothing, annunciation of the angel, visit to Elizabeth, baby Jesus.
Adam is a Hebrew word meaning “man.”
Micah 1:1-4; 6:6-8; 7:8
Broken sword and lance. Temple on mountain. “Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.” When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be light to me.
Nehemiah 2:17-18; 8:10
Stone wall. Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. He was the cup-bearer to the king. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”
Anna and Simeon
Luke 2:36–38
Iris for wisdom, Anna is a prophet who recognizes in baby Jesus the divine presence. She is perhaps the first person to proclaim Jesus…